Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My holidays in Makassar

Hi, it is me again, Tisha. During my mid-semester holiday this year, I visited  Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia. We were there for 10 days from  May 30th 2014 to June 8th 2014, I was so excited because we have never been to this part of Indonesia.

Now, let me tell about Makassar a little bit. Makassar is formerly called Ujung Padang. It is the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Makassar is also the largest city in Sulawesi island.

          In Makassar, we visited the Trans Studio,  Bantimurung Makassar, Losari Beach(or Pantai Losari in Malay), Fort Rotterdam, Leang-Leang, the harbor in Makassar, Amirul Muk minin Mosque(or Masjid Amirul Mukminin in Malay), Mosque Al-Markaz Al-Islami Makassar (or Masjid Al-Markaz Al-Islami Makassar in Malay),Samalorna Beach(or Pantai Samalorna in Malay) and Lae-Lae Beach(or Pantai Lae-Lae in Malay) Toraja, Baby Grave Tree, and Houses in Toraja (or  “tongkonan” in Malay).

First of all, I would like to talk about Bantimurung Makassar. Bantimurung Makassar is a national park.It is a place where it has a waterfall and butterflies. It is located at Maros Regency and it is only about 1,5 hours drive from Makassar.

 Many people played at the waterfall. We wanted to go into a cave but we could not make it because it was going to rain, so we turned back. There is also a Buttterfly Park.  I had a fun time there taking photos in the park and  I was very happy being there.


Next, I am going to talk about an extroadinary place called “Leang- Leang”. Leang-Leang is like the “Stone Forest” in Kunming. There are a lot of huge and tiny stones. 
There are also tall stones too. 

We also climbed up a mountain to see hand prints of cavemen who lived there for thousands of years. The cave was pitch dark, so we had to use a torchlight. 

In addition, we also saw a cave painting of a wild pig. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!         

 As we were leaving Leang Leang, we saw a group of young university students who were attending an “English Camp”. They were very happy to meet us and get an opportunity to speak in English. My parents, being English teachers, advised them to speak more and read more books of all types. Some students also asked for my email and facebook and some students even said that they liked me and they even liked my nose TOO!!!!! Isn’t that funny?? All too soon, it was time to go. We left Leang Leang in high spirits.

         Next stop was Trans Studio, a very high class shopping mall. There is also a Theme Park. There were many shoe shops and boutique. My mummy and her friends bought so many Reebok shoes because it was on sale.    

    We also visited a mosque. It is called Mosque Al-Markaz Al-Islami Makassar. It is the biggest mosque compared to the other mosque. It is also a beautiful and a huge mosque.


Another place of interest that we visited is “The Fort Rotterdam”. Fort Rotterdam is a historical artifact of the greatness of the past kingdom of  South Sulawesi- The Kingdom of Gowa. 

Inside the fort, one can see some interesting buildings, an arts centre and the “La Galigo” museum.  

Makassar is indeed an interesting place to visit and  also a seafood paradise.